What I Offer
The Educational Package
- This offering provides assistance with homework completion.
- Tools In The Shed Tutoring will work with each client, one-on-one, for 45-60 minutes on a weekly or twice weekly basis.
- Communication with classroom teachers is encouraged to allow breakdown of assignments before sessions.
- $80/45 min+5 min wrap-up
- $100/60 min+5 min wrap-up
The Full Education Package
- This offering provides once or twice a week 60 minute sessions; longer sessions can be arranged on a case-by-case basis.
- Tools In The Shed Tutoring will provide academic assistance and prepare supplemental materials to aid each student in mastering the skills or objectives of the projects/readings.
- $110/60 min+5 min wrap-up
- Examples of such supplemental materials may include:
- co-reading a class novel
- preparing study guides
- breaking down large projects/readings into manageable chunks, allowing the client to feel in control of their work
Individualized Education Plan Review
- This offering provides an opportunity for Tools In The Shed Tutoring to thoroughly review your child’s IEP with you during a 90 minute session.
- In order to allow Tools In The Shed Tutoring ample time to create a written report clarifying the IEP-provided accommodations and support services a copy of the current IEP must be provided, via email, to Tools In The Shed Tutoring 5-7 days prior to our meeting
- $160
“Profiles In Courage” Essay Contest
(Highly recommended for high school students)
In his book Profiles in Courage, John F. Kennedy recounted the stories of eight U.S. senators who risked their careers to do what was right for the nation. These leaders demonstrated political courage by taking a stand for the public good in spite of pressure by interest groups, their political party, or even their constituents. The Profile in Courage Essay Contest challenges students to write an original and creative essay that demonstrates an understanding of such political courage.
This contest is sponsored by the JFK Library. Financial awards are made to the winners. Certificates of Participation are given to all participants.
- The essay submission begins in September and ends at the start of the following year. Tools In The Shed Tutoring will guide each student through the process of selecting a subject, identifying his/her courageous act, properly researching and documenting the act, and finally producing the written essay. (This service will require Summer sessions)
- $600/essay submission
- 15 sessions between July and December
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